Thursday, April 15, 2010

Changes Part 4

Radiology department found a shadow in my mother's lungs.

Doctor recommended that we X-ray her lungs in three months. I could worry but what's the point. She's able to walk with the help of her walker and caregivers. She goes out everyday and wander shopping centers. She still lives in her own home and have meals in her kitchen. Her life looks good to me.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Changes Part 3

My 89-year old mom who could not stand or walk a month ago is now walking short distances with the aid of a walker. Mom's femur, knee and her total-hip replacement have been X-rayed; two lab tests and a ultra scan to check her liver. The results NADA, negative, absolutely nothing, zilch, etc. I would like to thank Kaiser Hosptial Oakland X-Ray technicians who had to deal with an extremely difficult and strong 89-year old lady, her Alameda-based doctor and HealthCare At Home nurse and physical therapist. I am not an active religious person but I did pray a lot this past month; Special Thanks to God for listening to my prayers. I would also like to thank the entire CareGiverGuy Nation for all their support, prayers, and (116) emails.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Changes Part 2 always challenging and at times frustrating for the love one and for you as a caregiver. We're going to see the doctor today to see if there is any physical or mental changes that have occured. Right now, she's not able to get out of the bed, chair, and toliet without assistance. It is physically challenging for me and her caregivers to move her but she can walk with our assistance but you need to place your forearm under her arm pits and place your body directly behind her to make her feel secure. She can walk but now her world has gotten a little smaller. We need to be educated on how to manuver her from her bed to the toliet to sit up without her assistance. In most facilities most caregivers can receive help from their colleagues but in a private home you're all alone. She's sleeping or laying down more so we have to be concern about bed burns and keeping her mentally and physically active. I also need to know that my current caregivers can physically and emotionally handle this new change in my mom's life. I'm a strong guy but lifting her and moving her has been physically challenging.